When you use BIM you’re using COMMUNISM

Typical capitalist propaganda. Note irony of ‘closed’ signs on factories.

We associate BIM with capitalism; developers mandate it, Western Governments mandate it – it’s a popular catchphrase that sits really nicely alongside business-speak such as: ‘fiscal governance’; ‘efficient use of capital expenditure’; ‘maximizing return for investors’; ‘work-life balance’; ‘a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work’; ‘trickle-down economics’; ‘the tooth fairy’ and ‘Santa Claus’.

What we find though, is that the vast majority of BIM is not really BIM – there’s always one element missing, not because no-one can do it, or it’s too hard; it’s missing because the client frequently demands this bit be removed: Communication.

A case in point was yesterday, when CMDR Passionfruit was called upon to proof-read a BMP (BIM Management Plan) (Yes, that does expand to Building Information Management Management Plan. See what bureaucracy does? It ruins everything through meta-planning. And yes, the meta goes higher than this, because the BMP falls under the PMP – Project Management Plan, oh goddess this is going way off the rails into non-Euclidean management nightmare dimensions). Back to the BMP – one of the main points of a BMP is to define the deliverables for the major consultants – who is doing what and when does it need to be delivered. The client specifically requested we redact the deliverable dates.

You what?

What’s the point of a deliverables schedule with no schedule? The point is that the BMP also mandates the times and dates at which the CLIENT must provide input to keep the project actually running smoothly. But forcing a client to make a decision by a certain time? OHHHHHHH WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, MINION? PLEBEIAN WORM, HOW DARE YOU INFER INCOMPETENCE IN THE CLIENT’S ABILITIES AS A RANDIAN PARAGON OF CAPITALISM?

So off we merrily proceed into a project with no firm dates for deliverables. Which means that there are no firm dates for the consultants to be communicating. The client doesn’t want to communicate their intent because they can a) use it as a huge stick over us and b) don’t want to admit they don’t even know how to read plans; let alone have a clue about what they actually need. As for making a decision – they can choose an expensive wine or car or pair of shoes in less than an hour, so how come they can’t decide what their favourite colour is? In short, it’s great to start a project with a hand tied behind your back. We’re screwed. Again.

You see, BIM itself is actually a form of Communism; and that really scares Western “Democracies” (actually, they are Plutocracies masquerading as Democracies, but that’s a Revolution and game of Civilization for another day) and capitalist running dog reactionaries; sorry, Property Developers; because Communism is bad, m’kay?

At this point I should say that I am referring to actual Communism; not the thinly disguised Fascist Dictatorships that the USSR and allies dissolved into, nor the weird Crytpo-Religious, Crypto-Capitalist mutant thing that the PRC is. Communism as in large scale collectivism at the macro economic level; combined with direct voting at the personal level. Effectively the what the late Iain M Banks described in The Culture series. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. (actually The Culture is more a techno-anarchy, but we’ve all been conditioned to believe anarchy is a bad thing)

What makes Communism work (And incidentally what probably made it fail in the 20th Century due to the lack thereof) is transparent, rapid, egalitarian communication. Bloody hell it should be obvious; the words Communication and Communism are practically the same. Oh, that’s exactly what our modern Internet infrastructure gives us today. Odd it came from DARPA; but there you go.

Who knew? Communication solves problems! Pretty much any problem (OK, except the P-NP problem, the Fermi Paradox* and a few others) can be largely resolved by communication. In my experience the vast majority of problems in building design, procurement, and construction can be solved, very simply, by better communication between parties.

BIM is perhaps a misnomer; BIMCOM might be a better term. Building Information Modelling, COmmunication & Management. Unfortunately BIMCOM doesn’t follow the TLA** or FLTLA*** rules, so is thus doomed to failure.

Just like Capitalism, one day. Hopefully soon.

* Actually the Fermi Paradox could be solved by communication, come to think of it.

** Three Letter Acronym

*** Five Letter Three Letter Acronym